
مصنعي وموردي آلات محاكاة الأمواج في الصين. Flowflife

لايوجد بيانات
10 Years Of Experience
The company team has 10 years of product development and project management experience. A full-industry chain holding subsidiary of Shenzhen Ningsheng Investment Co., Ltd. that integrates product development, production and manufacturing, marketing promotion, brand operation, and other businesses.
FlowLife has its own factory, technical team, design team, and service team, which can provide customers with a one-stop service
FlowLife regularly conducts product research and development and product upgrades every year based on market conditions and customer needs
The FlowLife have won multiple patent certificates, domestic certification certificates in China, and CE certification
FlowLife's full range of products is suitable for many different types of scenarios such as shops, bars, shopping centers, and so on
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With rich experience in the operation of flowboarding in the whole business, based on stable and reliable products, we provide all-round services such as site consultation, construction guidance, equipment installation, and operation guidance.
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لايوجد بيانات
The surface of the FlowLife machine is fully covered with nano polymer flexible film, which greatly reduces risk of injury.
The water flow can be adjusted by frequency to adapt to the physical characteristics of all ages and ensure the safety of personnel.
High-voltage frequency conversion, energy-saving and power-saving.After the return cycle is completed, the water flow falls into the pool from the backwater area of the polyurethane leaking net, and then the water is automatically supplied and purified through the high-sealing submersible pump cabin.
Customized development according to the site: FlowLife has a patented technology and equipment production base, which can be customized and developed according to the site conditions, reducing the cost of site renovation and increasing the space utilization rate.
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منتج FlowLife الرئيسي
플로우라이프 ​​서프인풀(SIP)
서프인풀(Surf In-Pool)은 플로우라이프(FlowLife)가 개발한 최신 제품으로 수영장에서 서핑을 시뮬레이션할 수 있는 장치이다. 고압 워터펌프를 이용해 물을 분사해 서핑을 즐길 수 있다.

적용 범위가 넓으며 모든 수준이나 연령층의 사람들에게 적합합니다. 수영의 재미를 높이고 더 이상 단조롭지 않게 만드세요. 안전성이 높으며 모든 구성 요소는 사용자 안전을 보장하기 위해 FlowLife의 품질 테스트를 거쳤습니다.
FlowLife-소프트 핀 서핑보드
이 최신 디자인의 소프트 핀 서핑보드는 파도 시뮬레이터에 맞춰 제작되었습니다. 소프트 핀은 서퍼와 파도 시뮬레이터를 효과적으로 보호할 수 있으며 초보자에게 적합합니다. 보드 본체는 더 작고 유연합니다.
لايوجد بيانات
ستركز Ningsheng Sports Technology على القلب والمهنة ، وستعمل بنشاط على الترويج لمنتجات الترفيه والتسلية والرياضات المائية الراقية في الصين إلى العالم ، ودع المزيد من الناس يستمتعون بمتعة الرياضات المائية!
شركة سلسلة صناعة كاملة

Focus on heart and profession, actively promote China's high-end water sports leisure and entertainment products to the world.

The company team has 10 years of product development and project management experience, adhering to the concept of focus and innovation. 

  The company's projects are located in multiple countries and regions.

  China's high-end water sports leisure and entertainment products.

  Integrates product development, production and manufacturing, marketing promotion, brand operation, and other businesses.

If You Have Any Questions, Please Contact Us!
Ningsheng Sports Technology will focus on heart and profession, actively promote China's high-end water sports leisure and entertainment products to the world, and let more people enjoy the fun of water sports!
مدونة & المادة
انتهت مسابقة FlowLife الثانية للتزلج وركوب الأمواج 2022 بنجاح حيث اجتمع الخبراء لإثارة حماس الجمهور!

أقيمت مسابقة 2022FlowLife الثانية للتزلج وركوب الأمواج بنجاح في 19 نوفمبر 2022 في Surfing Base 4 ، Xichong Binhai Resort ، Shenzhen.
2023 04 12
يظهر FlowLife في معرض الرياضة في الهواء الطلق

بشكل عام ، FlowLife ليست فقط متحمسة لتنظيم مختلف المسابقات ، ولكنها أيضًا مغرمة جدًا بلقاء الجميع في المعارض. شينزين هي مدينة مفتوحة وشاملة ، حيث تقام معارض مختلفة كل عام. منذ وقت ليس ببعيد ، كنا حاضرين أيضًا في معرض Shenzhen International Outdoor Sports Expo.
2023 04 12
تنقلك التحركات المرنة في الماء إلى مسابقة FlowLife First Skateboarding and Surfing لعام 2021

أقيمت أول مسابقة FlowLife Skateboarding and Surfing في متجر FlowLife الذي يديره بشكل مستقل للنهائيات
2023 04 12
لايوجد بيانات
FlowLife  يستكشف المزيد من الاحتمالات معك

(ملاحظة: إذا لم تتلق بريدًا إلكترونيًا من FlowLife، فيرجى تأكيد البريد العشوائي أو الاتصال بنا عبر WhatsApp.)

الرجاء التواصل معنا




1001D-1 ، الطابق العاشر ، مبنى أرض Hengbang ، منطقة فوتيان ، شنتشن ، قوانغدونغ

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